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The Winner's Curse
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tagged: currently-reading

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Review: The 5th Wave

The 5th Wave The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Absolutely riveting. A must read. I know the genres "a young adult surviving in a world after an apocalypse" and "the earth invaded by a secret alien race" have both been done before...but this stands in its own space. I'm SO excited for the movie now! Such an enjoyable, not-put-downable read. The characters were real to me, the storytelling was gripping, the action non-stop.

I also love a young adult novel that gets you thinking about human nature, and about yourself. What makes us human. What choices would we make in survival situations. Is it really survival of the fittest here on earth. Do humans survive on more than just evolutionary advantages. Does love really matter.

This was good stuff.

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Review: Gated

Gated Gated by Amy Christine Parker
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Had some interesting things about it. Not badly written. You can kind of compare this to the movie "The Village." Gated could have used a little more intrigue and a love interest that didn't feel contrived. But hey, the audiobook passed the time and kept me distracted for many a mile on the treadmill.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Review: Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The GoodReads description of this story is not even adequate or accurate. First of all, Ethan DOES see "it" coming. "It" being her 16th birthday where she will face the biggest turning point of her life. Second, this story is really about a mysterious girl who moves into a small, closed-minded southern town where everyone but Ethan immediately judges and rejects her. Ethan and Lena bond and in turn learn something about themselves, about the secrets of the town, about the secrets of the past, and about what it means to take your own destiny into your hands. There.

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