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The Winner's Curse
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Review: Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yep. I like zombie novels. And I like reading a novel from the perspective of a brain-eating zombie. And I'm sort of excited by the idea that a living girl could crush on a zombie that ate her boyfriend. I must be a wacko. But it's true. As usual, the book offers several worthwhile differences from the movie (to all those who saw the movie first). Not the least of which is the fact that there will be a book #2. Yaaay!

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Review: Never Go Back

Never Go Back Never Go Back by Lee Child
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

How about that. I think I'm hooked on Jack Reacher. Good "crime thriller" action in the form of an army conspiracy that needs someone with just enough inside experience but outsider perspective to track the bad guy and get justice done by working a little outside the lines. Reacher's a likeable/somewhat unlikeable hero who as an ex-soldier is a little bit renegade, a little bit do-gooder, and a lot a bit brawler. I think I like him because he's not TOO likeable.

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Review: The Lovely and the Lost

The Lovely and the Lost The Lovely and the Lost by Page Morgan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I do enjoy this series. It feels fresh, exploring some gargoyle mythology in a category of young adult paranormal/fantasy literature that's already too packed with vampires and the like. It's a good compromise between a genre I can't get enough of and some original settings and characters. I like getting two somewhat separate but intertwined storylines between the 2 sisters. And yes, it's got some of your cheesy teen romance (which I tend to find contrived and overdone in about 90% of books I read), but it is one of the better-written novels of its class.

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