My rating: 3 of 5 stars
So this is REALLY well written. Both points of view are distinct, all the characters are very believable if not relatable, and the story pulls you in. The subject matter is a hard one for me to say "I like," because I think I had the wrong expectation going in. I thought I was getting a light romance. This is drama. Struggling marriage drama. Which is hard for me to read without having a constant inner dialogue in my head with the characters that goes something like this: "How dare you look at a man who's married!" "Why on EARTH would you give that kind of attention to someone else? You're married!" "No, don't say those hurtful things to the one you love!" "No you don't. Don't blame your unfaithful behavior on somebody else!" "Why don't you just TALK to each other about what's happening?" And other such frustrated exclamations. Which I know is the point. I'm supposed to be thinking about those things and about how I want to do it differently in my own marriage. It's just not a very...enjoyable?...journey to take.
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