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The Winner's Curse
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Love for the Moon Over Manifest

Moon Over ManifestMoon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One of those sweet and intriguing stories that makes you feel torn between whether you like reading the flashbacks better or the present. And you gotta love twists at the end.

I loved the mystery surrounding the fortune teller/story teller and how in the end, most of the narrative turns out to be her story. Was that too much of a spoiler? I hope not.

Being the English major/writer nerd that I am, I have to put a plug in for the narrative itself. There are multiple layers of story. Each character has a story that weaves throughout all of the others. It's intricate, it's...Dickens-esque, even. You get the spunky girl on the cover telling her story, you get the fortune teller, you get the news writer, you get the soldier writing home, and... you also get the ultra mysterious Jinx character, who I believe never actually tells his story from the 1st person, but who you can't help but identify with in some degree.

(*Slight spoiler alert here.*)

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