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The Winner's Curse
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tagged: currently-reading

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Review: Rot and Ruin

Rot and Ruin
Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really like this zombie story. It's original, exciting, and the characters seem so real. I love that the "hero" doesn't start out as the "hero." He's not even necessarily the most admirable character in the book, but I like that. He has room to grow, and you see him starting to do just that in book 1. It's a pretty compelling story about good vs. evil, but not in the way you think at first. (Sorry to give a blatant teaser, but I think the book's worth reading.)

I'm hoping to read the entire series by Halloween. Yep, it's my annual "spooky" read! Happy haunting everybody.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Review: Green Rider

Green Rider
Green Rider by Kristen Britain

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just finished reading this classic fantasy again. There is something so wholesome and refreshing about reading a "young adult" fantasy that came before the days of Bella and Edward and shock value.

It reminds me a lot of LOTR or the Wheel of Time series, but better for a crowd with a shorter attention span. It's a fully developed world of different kingdoms and peoples. The magic is subtle but compelling. The story has a little bit of everything - romance, suspense, action, coming of age themes...good stuff.

This time I'm going to read the whole series. I could only find an audiobook for book #1, but with the hubby in school, hopefully I'll have time to crack open an actual book!

Next up: First Rider's Call, book #2.

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