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The Winner's Curse
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tagged: currently-reading

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lingering impression about The Death Cure

The ending wasn't quite as good as it could have been in my opinion, but I do have to give it a solid 3 stars because it was part of a really original, really engaging series. The book was still great, don't get me wrong. I didn't get bored or anything. I still buzzed through it eagerly.

Great books build up high expectations for me, and I just expected something a bit more... wondrous than your typical, no-fail, world-changing revolution. I guess I missed the mystical quality that existed in the first book, and that's just me.

Still, a highly recommended series. Can't wait for my sisters to read it and tell me what they think.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Review of The Maze Runner!

The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1)The Maze Runner by James Dashner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One word can sum up the expectations I had for this book:


I loved everything about The Maze Runner - intriguing characters, exciting story, creative, provocative... and I get to live in the story for a few more books!

Through Thomas's eyes, the small civilization in the middle of a maze is confusing, fascinating, and strangely familiar even though he has no memory of his former life. Some of the characters are mysterious, some are funny, but all of them have an important purpose in solving the dangerous maze they are trapped in. Thomas's part is the catalyst to discovering the mysteries of the maze; things become more interesting as his role - and the role of the only girl in the maze - unfolds.

I take it as a good sign that the 1st book in this series was able to sort of resolve one conflict and introduce a whole new dimension of mystery that builds on what the characters just went through. I'm excited to see what the characters go through next - whether they get their memories back, whether Thomas and the girl find out what their past was together, whether the young will once again outsmart the controlling adults in their world...

Yes! yes! yes! Many thanks to my dentist for telling my husband he had no cavities (hopefully you will tell me the same thing when it's my turn again) and for recommending The Maze Runner! :)

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