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The Winner's Curse
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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Review: Prodigy

Prodigy Prodigy by Marie Lu
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I still think these books are just OK, but I'll read #3 just so I can check it off my list. I think my main hang-up is that when Lu writes from the boy's perspective (as Day), she doesn't sound like a boy. The style of voice doesn't change when switching from June to Day. But also, the action is a little lagging or scattered. And I don't just mean just physical action. There's not something happening on each page that drives the plot. Read a good action/adventure/mystery and everything the characters go through is somehow tied up in the ultimate purpose or climax of the book in intriguing ways, even if you don't realize it at first. This series doesn't have that.

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